You now know the Singularity of UPAP is the use of recycled fibers to produce new clothes. Doing only with what exists to not draw and exhaust natural resources, it's our bias. So concretely why choose recycled fibers? What is their real impact on the environment?
Revalorize waste
Do you know that every year, in France, 700,000 tons of textile waste are thrown ? And only 1% reusedTo produce new clothes. With this observation, we chose to go on these 700,000 tons to imagine our models. Collections and parts are all built from existing matter.
Our first model, the "Lulu" sweatshirt, consists of a mixture of 50% recycled cotton and 50% recycled polyester. Cotton comes from industrial cotton falls and clothing recycling. The polyester comes from recycling plastic bottles. 1 sweat = 10 recycled plastic bottles ! Using existing materials, UPAP thus participates in the revaluation of waste.

Preserve water resources
We have had fun comparing the amount of water used to produce our recycled fiber sweatshirt and the one needed to produce the same traditional cotton room. Between the two models, a gap of 5000 liters of water, the equivalent of theA daily consumption of an individual for almost 10 years. Just that ! If recycled allows this important economy, it is by avoiding extremely consuming culture of cotton water. Choosing recycled cotton fibers, so preserve the planetary resources in water and make a concrete gesture of environmental protection.

Recycled, the most eco-responsible solution?
The use of recycled fibers is clear in an eco-responsible approach. Their environmental impact depends on both the process of producing the recycling and nature of the fiber used. In our case, the producer plant used for the sweatshirt works only for solar energy and produces Wires labeled Oeko-Tek standard 100.
Know that there are two main kinds of recycled fibers:
- Recycled materials "post-consumption"Whocome from sources of consumer waste, that is, who served and have been scrapped.
- Recycled materials "pre-consumption"Whocome from sources of production, such as manufacturing falls.
Of the nature of the chosen fiber and its history will also depend on its ecological exemplary. For example, a recycled polyester fiber, resulting from plastic bottles, may be more polluting than recycled wool fiber, resulting from a production drop.
The recycled textile is in permanent evolution. Every month new innovations revolutionize the market and improve the environmental performance of products produced. Our will is not so much to seek the ecological perfection thanOpt for the solution that, in our view, preserve as much as possible the existing, while ensuring a permanent watch on technological advances to improve our products.
We work in consultation with public actors to precisely determine the carbon footprint of our clothes! #Workinprogress

For further :
"Reduce textile waste by innovation" CHALLENGE
Report on used textiles From the Ministry of the Environment